The Right Plantings Can Have a Significant Impact on a Camp Hill or Mechanicsburg, PA Landscape Look

The Right Plantings Can Have a Significant Impact on a Camp Hill or Mechanicsburg, PA Landscape Look

Experience the breathtaking color changes in your Camp Hill or Mechanicsburg, PA landscape throughout the seasons with carefully chosen plantings. Curated planting beds add depth and dimension to the landscape by incorporating vibrant perennials, seasonal annuals, and planted containers that burst with life on your patio and front porch. Explore how the right plantings can bring out the best in your landscaped areas.

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Spring Beauties

Spring-blooming bulbs are a great way to add beauty to your landscape in the time right after winter when you are longing for living color and an indication of life. They come in a wide variety of colors, including red, yellow, pink, purple, and white. Tulips can be planted in groups to create a bold statement, or they can be planted individually to add a touch of color to your garden.

Daffodils are known for their bright yellow flowers, but they also come in a variety of other colors, including white, pink, and orange. They are easy to care for and can naturalize in your yard, meaning they will come back year after year. Grape hyacinths are small, cluster-blooming spring bulbs in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, and white, and are perfect for planting in borders or rock gardens.

Summer Vibrance

The warmth of summer brings woody and leafy shrubs that can add structure and interest to your garden. Some popular summer blooming shrubs include hydrangeas, roses, butterfly bushes, and hibiscus.

Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season but they are a great way to add a burst of color to your planting beds, and they come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some popular summer annuals include marigolds, zinnias, petunias, geraniums, and impatiens.

Fall Gems

Mums are the quintessential fall flowers, the hallmark of this season's plantings. They come in a wide variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, white, and purple, and can be planted in borders, containers, or even as specimen plants.

Pansies are a cool-season annual that blooms into the fall. Planted in borders, containers, or even as window boxes, they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Ornamental grasses are a great way to add texture and interest to your fall landscape. Maiden grass is a popular choice for fall landscapes because of its graceful, arching foliage and silvery plumes while purple fountain grass is a warm-season grass that is known for its vibrant purple plumes.

Winter Greens

Camellias are evergreen shrubs that bloom in the fall and winter. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, red, and purple. Hellebores are perennial flowers in colors white, pink, purple, and green that bloom in the late winter or early spring.

Here are a few of the best evergreens for the winter landscape. Conifers are a type of evergreen that includes pines, firs, spruces, and cedars that never lose their needle-like leaves. Boxwood with its small, glossy leaves in a deep green color is a slow-growing evergreen shrub that can be shaped into a variety of forms, such as hedges, topiaries, and balls. Boxwoods keep their leaves even in the winter for a touch of green in the gray landscape.

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Want a Vibrant Lower or Upper Allen Township, PA Landscape? Now is the Time for New Plantings