Unsure Which Plantings Are Best for a Camp Hill, PA Landscape? Consult Landscapers Near Me

Unsure Which Plantings Are Best for a Camp Hill, PA Landscape? Consult Landscapers Near Me

When you're searching for suitable plantings for your landscape in zones 6b and 7a, it's essential to find options that thrive in the region's unique climate. Seasoned landscapers near me in Camp Hill, PA understand the significance of choosing the right plantings to create an attractive and sustainable outdoor space. In this guide, we'll explore some perfect plantings for these zones, offering professional insights and recommendations to help you make informed choices.

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Versatile Perennials for Your Landscape

Perennials are the backbone of any landscape, offering year-round beauty. In zones 6b and 7a, consider these perennials:

Coneflowers (Echinacea): These sturdy perennials are known for their vibrant, daisy-like flowers and are exceptionally low-maintenance. These beautiful plantings are available with blooms in colors including vibrant pink, red, orange, white, and yellow.

Sedum: Sedums are hardy, drought-tolerant plants that bloom in late summer, adding a touch of color to your landscape. You can choose them in colors ranging from blue-gray and light green, to reddish-bronze.

Evergreen Shrubs for Year-Round Greenery

Evergreen shrubs are a great addition to your landscape for year-round greenery.

Boxwood: Boxwood is a classic choice, offering a timeless elegance to your outdoor space. Its dense foliage stays green throughout the year.

Holly: Holly shrubs are known for their glossy green leaves and bright red berries, making them a festive choice for your landscape.

Flowering Trees to Make a Statement

Flowering trees offer not only shade but also breathtaking displays of color.

Dogwood (Cornus Florida): Dogwood trees are renowned for their enchanting spring blossoms, with pink or white petals that brighten your landscape.

Red Maple (Acer rubrum): Red maples are prized for their vibrant red foliage in the fall, making them a stunning focal point.


For a hassle-free landscape, incorporate groundcovers that require minimal care:

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia): This low-growing planting forms a vibrant carpet of chartreuse leaves, adding a pop of color to your garden.

Periwinkle (Vinca minor): Periwinkle's glossy leaves and delicate blue or purple flowers make it an excellent choice for ground cover.

Ornamental Grasses for Texture and Movement

Ornamental grasses bring texture and movement to your landscape. In zones 6b and 7a, try:

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum): Switchgrass offers a striking vertical element and turns a lovely golden color in the fall.

Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora): This grass is well-known for its upright growth and feathery plumes, which sway gracefully in the wind.

Native Plantings for Sustainability

Incorporating native plantings into your landscape is not only ecologically responsible but also practical. They are adapted to the local climate and require less maintenance. Some native choices include:

Eastern Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis): These dainty red and yellow blooms attract pollinators and thrive in zones 6b and 7a.

Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta): With bright yellow petals and dark centers, these native plantings provide a burst of color and are drought-tolerant.

Accent With Bulbs

Bulbs are an easy way to add seasonal interest to your landscape.

Daffodils: These bright, cheerful flowers are deer-resistant and come in various sizes and colors.

Tulips: Tulips offer a wide range of colors and shapes, making them an excellent choice for adding variety to your garden.

Related: Add Green to Your Outdoor Space With Expertly Curated Plantings in the South Middleton Township and Mechanicsburg, PA Areas


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